Taking this course has not only taught me a lot about entrepreneurship but also a lot about my own creative side and thinking outside the box as an entrepreneur you need to learn how to do so. I still see myself one day starting a business from the ground up and I think with my solid background knowledge from my major in finance and the minor I’m getting in entrepreneurship, I believe I’m on a very successful path. I think my path has changed as over the course of taking ENT 601 I have made some changes to my original plan. I have decided to incorporate my original business plan but have brought on a partner, who is also currently majoring in software engineering. I think this was a great strategic move on my part, as I would have needed to eventually hire some sort of software engineer to design the product and software, so by bringing on a business partner I have already mitigated some of the future costs that I would have incurred. With the addition of this business partner, I feel it has improved my Entrepreneurial Awareness, because as an entrepreneur you are always looking to cut costs wherever you are able to and with this acquisition I did exactly that.
My journey in this course has been a roller coaster, I went from being a student with a finance major to a student that is now taking an extra year next year to pursue a minor in Entrepreneurship. The biggest thing I learned in this course this semester is that to be an entrepreneur you need to think creatively and outside the box, which I haven’t always been the best at doing so, but this course has taught me to challenge my thinking and explore my creative side and dig deeper into my thought process of decisions.