As I mentioned in the previous assignment,after a few classes and reading in ENT601, I learned how much I really would like to be more involved in this field of business; that being the entrepreneurial aspect of it. Over the duration of this course, I still see myself within the same light. I still am eager to learn more about the entrepreneurial field in the future. I intend on keeping the same path and taking other ENT classes in my next semesters.
To improve my Entrepreneurial Awareness, I became more engaged in classes and caught up with the readings provided by the professor. I pushed myself to try and understand all aspects of entrepreneurship that I was being taught. I knew that this would benefit me in the future. Also, as time progressed and I was able to interact with my group members, I was able to put my skills to use and was able to communicate with other group members. I was able to thoroughly work with my group members and split up the work evenly amongst everyone. We all answered the questions we knew we could provide the best answers to, that way, the questions are all answered to the best of everyone’s abilities.
In the beginning of this course, I did not have any knowledge within the entrepreneurial field or any skills that are required to succeed in the field. All I knew is that one day I eventually wanted to lead a hardworking group of people and succeed together as a company. I had goals but I was unsure how to reach them. After this course and learning so many aspects of entrepreneurship and skills that need to be applied, I gained more knowledge in what I need to improve on, experiences I need to gain, and issues I need to learn how to overcome. As of right now, I still don’t feel that I have enough knowledge to move forward and towards my goal, which is why I plan on taking more ENT courses in my upcoming semesters.
I learned quite a few things in this course. Firstly, I learned how many people it takes to be in a team to formulate an actual solution to tasks we are given. I learned that my ideas are also identical to the ideas of my peers, which makes it easier to expand on them. I also learned that working in a more organized environment is extremely essential. Working with such an interactive group of people is essential. Secondly, I learned how to apply the Six Thinking hats to certain situations, which is good practice and beneficial for my future. Also, I learned that entrepreneurship itself requires a lot of problem solving and critical thinking, which is best performed with a group of “employees” or “workers.”
Action Plan:
- Practice skills onto individual and group assignments in other courses
- Take more ENT courses
- Take time to understand my fellow group members, even in other courses
- Allow myself to make more time to learn about the industries and the markets in today’s generation