Do you still see yourself in the same light?
Over the duration of the course, and since the last Individual Assignment submission I would say I do see myself in the same light as before, with respect to my qualities and abilities. However, my views on problem-solution dynamic and how to find opportunities and create solutions have definitely changed. I have become more mindful in my day to day activities and conscious to problems and inconveniences that myself, and even others may be facing. I do notice myself putting myself in other’s shoes and seeing how exactly their problems or inconveniences are affecting them or a group of people and mentally thinking of steps to come to a solution. I do see myself as more of an opportunist, receptive, as well as curious. Before this course, I always prided myself on being independent and doing things on my own, however, that perception has also changed. Working in groups and seeing how everyone views everything differently, I am able to see things that are often overlooked or ignored. Looking at the six thinking hats model, my team and I were able to explore a range of perspectives, gain much more insight, as well as boost the productivity of creative thinking. I definitely appreciate group work more and look forward to opinions and insights of others a lot more.
Do you still intend on keeping the same path?
In my first Individual Assignment, I stated that I would be joining more clubs and events since my main issue is socializing and accepting opportunities. So yes, I do intend to keep on the same path. I think joining any club or event will really help me ask the right questions, obtain knowledge on different issues, become more problem-conscious, network, build connections, hear different points of view, etc. Joining different events across campus, as well as seminars having to do with opportunities, start-ups, life of an entrepreneur, success stories will also bring forth an alertness. I also still intend to keep listening to audio books on businesses, start-ups, successful founders, strategies, etc. Since the first assignment, in addition to doing what I stated above, I also am interested in beginning a start up this summer. I used to be scared of failing, but this course has taught me to appreciate and learn from it, not fear it. I intend to use my inspired thoughts of creating and accepting opportunities, instead of declining them because I am so used to the norm. I used to decline offers for opportunities, such as jobs offers, investments, and more, because people generally lean towards their norm and their routines. They lean towards things that they repeatedly do, and things that they know what the results will be, rather than stepping out of their bubble into the unknown, where they don’t know where it will lead. This is why some people will actually welcome people back into their lives that repeatedly hurt them, just because at least they know the end result/feelings and it has become norm to them. It is also why many will decline job offers because they are so used to their daily routines, seeing the same co-workers, having the same commute, etc. It’s because they are comfortable, but to me, I now see that as more dangerous because you stay stagnant in life, even if opportunity comes knocking. I intend to step out of the bubble and look into the unknown, welcoming failure if it comes. I also am looking into mentorship programs. After taking ENT601 I intend to remain as an Entrepreneurship major and continue to take these valuable courses.
Have you been successful in accomplishing any of the things you stated that you wanted to do to improve your Entrepreneurial Awareness?
Some things that I have stated in the first assignment, that I have been successful in accomplishing include the LinkedIn profile. I began my profile and began connecting with my co-workers, my managers, my district managers and supervisors. I am connecting with people that have successfully achieved opportunities that I desire to achieve as well, and inquiring about mentorship. I also began listening to audiobooks, because I dislike reading. I began last month, and have dedicated that month to listening and researching about start-ups. Next month will be about negotiations. The month after will be about strategies. I have also used Eventbrite to participate in 2 online seminars about entrepreneurship and identifying opportunities.
Tell me your journey in this course, where did you start; where do you find yourself today? What did you learn?
At the beginning of the course, I saw myself as more independent and thought that to be an entrepreneur I had to do it all on my own. I was very narrowminded, however, when it came to working with groups every class, I was able to see many blind sides of mine and how I should not be afraid to work with others, share opinions, and welcome opinions. I really enjoyed the group sessions and it genuinely positively affected my outlook on asking for help, asking for opinions, and sharing my ideas. I also have always wanted to join clubs and seminars, however, I always refrained from it, just like I declined many opportunities. I now take action and step into the unknown, rather than continuing a stagnant cycle simply because it’s comfortable. Since the beginning of this course, I created a LinkedIn, began listening to audiobooks and researching those topics, participated in 2 seminars so far, as well as looking for a mentorship. I see myself as more open-minded, opportunity conscious, problem conscious, and better at problem solving, as well thinking critically. I find myself going down the right path, not afraid of failing and willing to learn from my mistakes along the road, rather than always fearing it and not taking action at all.